Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Catchy Thank You Messages


The Internet is a funny thing. Now I have "shipped" online almost five years with you. Six readers (four of them also bloggers) I have met in person. But it seems to me as if I had somehow got to know many of you. I have the feeling that the Internet is the people - at least in a first step - can match. It seems to begin as if were actually online acquaintances that, ideally, can sometimes end in friendship. This is beautiful.

And so ( ** dramatic music comes in. Here's a ** ) today announced a further section ends. A few days ago it was the study. Today it is "rome, roman, the Romans" , the blog that I ("Look what happened" on basis) originally as a bit half-heartedly began, which proved to be lively, than I initially thought (with Scipio, Elsa, Thomas and Catholicism WOW is "on Romans" certainly one of the oldest active Catholic blog, in which there are new postings on a regular basis) and which is practically developed in the home stretch but a very well-attended side.

this momentum in recent months, I would now like to take, and then - at some point and not too unbald - weiterzuwurschteln on my already made clear domain ( www.derherralipius.com ). I must of course consider how the design should look out. I'm still a nifty template, but I can not decide whether I'd like a little plain, and then it will continue to flaunt rather baroque. I feel the temptation to weiterzubloggen under the domain name simply to the old Roman the layout, because I can Blogger now quite well and with Wordpress again everything is new. Brooding, brooding, brooding ...

Well, something will come. Until then, there are - as already mentioned - important updates here. On Roman as regularly updated blog is so lively now officially closed. As a focal point for important information, a dumping ground for the odd random post and as a flushing corner for people who want a little rumwühlen in the archive, the blog remains online.

Yes what should I end by saying big? There was a lot of fun! A big thanks, I'd like to seize every chance, running and especially ordinary readers who have supported me over the years, be it with comments, be it through prayer, be it with both. I would like to apologize to all those who eventually attacked personally by any Posting felt. This was not as expected. My wild moments were never an individual reader, than individuals who are in the public and almost begged to talk back to the bumpy nature or specific groups that spanned the arc simple.

If you read this I'll probably be asleep. Josef and I will celebrate tomorrow at 5:30 clock a little two-man show, then throw us into the car and comfortable swing north. Write to me during those hours, some nice parting comments that I can read when I'm in Klosterneuburg. That makes it not quite so abrupt. And then just wait a few Wöchelchen, and it continues!

Oh yes, one more thing: It's nice to see that the Blogoezese has grown in recent years now! Keep it up, people! The Internet is a great vineyard, and many workers are needed!

So: Thank you, goodbye, God bless and best wishes to all of you!



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