Sunday, December 5, 2010

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The Barbie Revolution eats little children

about the redefinition of the female breast in the age of the Homunculus
At all times, little girls played with dolls. Here, the doll looked like a bit plump, well fed and chubby. They reflected the ideal of a well-fed child, at least as how the adults of these generations had imagined.
Then came the revolution. The Barbie revolution.
suddenly saw the puppets as adults. As young adult women, at least to the 19th Non-chubby-plump well-fed, but slim and rank. With narrow hips, long legs, large breasts, long blonde hair and doll's face in the doll's face. And the little girls in many countries around the world, whose parents could afford it, the chubby, childlike orally frustrated dolls laid aside and played with enthusiasm with Barbie dolls.
Is it a coincidence that emulate more and more young adult or adolescent women's body image of Barbie? The endemic spread of eating disorders in teenagers is just one symptom among many. Body Shaping at any price, will cut you because of what it's worth. From plastic surgeons, or in self-test of borderline desperation. For western teenagers are breast augmentations and other cosmetic surgery a favorite gift for passing the Abitur, the trend is now also genital surgery on pubic bone and labia - there is just so much to perfect and to model the female body to women on the model close to the Barbie doll. A tedious, hard and expensive way.
Photo: approaching Sosuke Sagara-
Now we gradually the next stage, as an excited debate shows in public: now of the basic biological functions of the female breast goes to the collar: As recent polls indicate, are fewer and fewer young women ready for aesthetic reasons, their breasts to nurse their offspring use. Because they consider that their breasts in the first Lilnie sexual organs ("Fun Bags") and have no place in the mouth of infants.
Kathryn Blundell, managing editor of the British edition of the print magazine Mother & Baby gave expression to that trend with the following formulation:
you (my breasts; EiNF. d. A.) are also part of my sexuality - not just breasts, but also "fun bags". And if you have this setting (and I confess that I made no attempt to change it) and see how your tiny little innocent baby there docks, where previously hindurfte just a lover, then this feels, even now, something Creepy on.
Is it now so soon the babies in the neck, we transform us now from mammals to perfect dolls, free from the chains of the biology and evolution? The homunculus is no longer a vision, it is reality. Well, the cheers!

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