The world of the published opinion in an uproar! Recently, there is only one topic: WikiLeaks revelations about what really think the American diplomats. What we have always been interested, yes. If so in the category of "what women think / men really - but never dare to say ..."
circulating in the press above all a concept of "embarrassment". What's so embarrassing? The truth is embarrassing? The sewing box, was talked out of the?
It is reminiscent of that which is experiencing a child when grandma eser says, for example, "You are but an old box of your many wrinkles in the face ..." Often enough, the child is ashamed of it, learns that it is wrong to to tell truth - and gradually learns "diplomat" to be, not to pronounce the truth, but to keep to himself. So we are actually all but diplomats somehow, right? Only the tails without tinsel and decorations.
by fruchtzwergin, Photobucket |
diplomats Are we all, but all have learned to diplomatically our personal truth to hide, where it is necessary: in some respects, the workplace, in public. Only private, with relatives or in the pub, because we draw from the leather and really tell the truth, "openly". The awkward "unvarnished" truth.
now know, diplomats are those who are masters of "Verblümens" the best "Verblümer" in the diplomatic career at the top.
now that their truths, that what they really think, become noised abroad, is the but is herzallerliebst, or. For we learn that even have the league of "Verblümer", a personal truth behind the perfect mask, sometimes probably a personal opinion. It has charm and makes the boys and girls but human. What all the hubbub, then?
Perhaps feeling the ladies and gentlemen, journalists and politicians who are now speaking of embarrassment, like children, the "foreign ashamed of themselves for the truth. So, will grow up!
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