Thursday, October 21, 2010

United Flight Attendants Jan Brown Lohr


note on the term of "hurt feelings"

"You have my feelings hurt "is a phrase that one hears more often lately. It must at some point, a few years ago, have emerged from nowhere. Presumably, once again downloaded an import from the dream factory, fast, Germanized, ruminated ... and not digested.

Prima facie seems obvious what is meant: Someone has been criticized and feels "violated" In fact what feelings.? How does it work? Can be hurt feelings?

Rather, one could say that emotions were triggered by injury, such as mental pain, sorrow, sadness ... or even narcissistic rage. Feelings can not hurt. They feel or you do not feel.

By funda_album mask ...
The above phrase will describe something different: The self-image is hurt, offended, tarnished. That is what triggers feelings of violation only: Emotions are here in response to unpleasant truths that they do not like to hear. Because she's self-image, the mask, attack the (neurotic) mental balance or the false self system put to question. So what does not do that. The mask is sacred.

What we learn from the whole confusion of tongues? When it comes to feelings, language is sometimes imprecise, vague, or even distorting. The modern cultural confusion of tongues, from the discussion here confused feelings with productions of the ego or false self. An eloquent expression of illiteracy - as far as it relates to the mental life could proclaim the hearty observers. As if you do not really know now, what are feelings.

If this statement is "hurt your feelings, dear reader, then just write me an angry comment.


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