Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Can I Use My United Mileage

The Gulf of Mexico and Hempel's Sofa Super Nanny

When the truth below the surface ...

In the meantime, the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico largely disappeared from the headlines. Out of sight, out of mind? If you look hard there, you can find on the web impressive reports or videos that seem oppressive: the true scale of the disaster can be found at the surface of the water.
is particularly impressive, a film documentary in which the son of famed ocean explorer Cousteau dared to immerse themselves directly in the broth. This mixture of oil spills and oil-dissolving chemicals now in huge clouds in the Gulf ... and how it clouds so in themselves, they attract even more dependent. This will take, and it will come. What are the consequences, which probably nobody knows.

By gavin021025 Gulf of Mexico - Oil Spill
What does us? First, that the truth is not always visible at the surface, appearance and reality are indeed related, but can represent different aspects of truth. It behaves as containing a pigsty: The apartment might at first glance appear tidy and clean, the look under the sofa, however, reveals the hard-clad truth. Or for that couple in the last party of the public still beaming with happiness and two days later separated forever. Suggesting that it was received as much in their relationship a pigsty - or in the Gulf of Mexico.


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