Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Boob Cup Size Comparison

How I rob me of sleep?

Every other working people in Germany suffer from sleep disorders.

shows a study by the DAK significant growth rates in the absence due to sleep disorders, and since 2004 they have risen by around 50 percent. As far as a few of the facts that I point to my Comments. For, although this study shows yet another revealing details about the sensitivities of modern man, I would not get lost in details.
Let us turn this phenomenon but simply sleep disturbance. What is important about them? Most sleep disorders have one thing in common: that both body and mind are relaxed or not remains an instance of both in a state of overexcitation.
I see a clear link between the increase of sleep disorders and the inability to Relaxation. The latter in turn is largely a way of life due to which an increasing pressure to perform is diminished not only in professional life, but also in the so-called free time. The basic pattern of work pressure, the approach produces a useful principle of a return-oriented economy, has in recent decades gradually extended to all areas of life. The pressure to perform begins in kindergarten and make themselves against the sexual desire in adulthood no longer hold (see my review stress in bed ). In each situation, hard working, bring the optimum, or the be the best. Stopwatch, measuring tape, tables, stats are everywhere around us anyway around and in the mind. They all have only one purpose: to quantify and thus to make them comparable. We are in constant competition on the path to superstardom.
Every day, surrounded by successful role models in all areas compete brains and brain-dominated body in every minute to do their best and being the best to be. For this performance not only fame and honor but the greatest happiness or good fortune promises in its highest form .*
Well, and then you wonder about sleep? The truth is: Even superstars are not immune. For they have to worry at any time, to fall back into the depths of irrelevance. That may be scary to be a similar feeling as to lose his job. But even if one has one, a workplace, fears and pressure to perform very bad pillow.
The key is to relax really. To begin with, even to do nothing. Also in the Arts not, no TV, no music, no magazines. Just do nothing, nothing. Also plans to forge not to think about something important. Nothing. Just stare at the ceiling, wall or window, with half-open eyes. As the cat to Example. Have you ever heard that sleep is?
* The competitive sports shows us again and again the promise of happiness, when the winners will be questioned " And how do you feel now? " As if that moment was a moment of enlightenment. Perhaps he is even, but different: not the moments of glory and wealth, real moments of happiness, for they are only in the eye of the beholder, in the eyes of millions of viewers who stare at the screen. Whether they really in the heart of the winner traces?


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