This morning on Facebook, I was amazed not so bad when I read in the timeline that a certain Frank Elstner had broken his hand. It was followed by a detailed description thereof, as this disaster could happen. Who in heaven's name was Frank Elstner? Also, because the message took me by the hand. He was introduced to me as a former host of a show called "Wetten dass ..." or something like that. Well, well, just appears that there is enough people besides me who are interested burning, that Mr. Elston as a former host of a TV show that apparently everyone knows, the hand was broken. Too bad too, something like that.
2 hours later in the Berlin U-Bahn: There, hanging in the cars always those little TV screens on the flicker then the most important world news, well, say, let's Berlin, sport and celebrity news. As you look toward holding times when nothing else going on in the car. And, read my eyes: Frank Elstner has broken his hand. How it came that Frank Elstner has broken his hand. And who is actually Frank Elstner, an extra service for Dummies I am like one.
Now I am deeply impressed by Mr. Elston. The must indeed be a very very important type, a hero, maybe even a TV God. Because the whole world seems so interested in it that the poor, the hand has been broken. And of course now I'm looking for Frank Elstner. I really need to know, this extremely important and great TV God! Before I even sometimes awkward than you feel someone who understands such posts as mud.
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