Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Airport Games On Phone

The embarrassing truth or "What the masters of Verblümens really think"

The world of the published opinion in an uproar! Recently, there is only one topic: WikiLeaks revelations about what really think the American diplomats. What we have always been interested, yes. If so in the category of "what women think / men really - but never dare to say ..."
circulating in the press above all a concept of "embarrassment". What's so embarrassing? The truth is embarrassing? The sewing box, was talked out of the?
It is reminiscent of that which is experiencing a child when grandma eser says, for example, "You are but an old box of your many wrinkles in the face ..." Often enough, the child is ashamed of it, learns that it is wrong to to tell truth - and gradually learns "diplomat" to be, not to pronounce the truth, but to keep to himself. So we are actually all but diplomats somehow, right? Only the tails without tinsel and decorations.
by fruchtzwergin, Photobucket
diplomats Are we all, but all have learned to diplomatically our personal truth to hide, where it is necessary: in some respects, the workplace, in public. Only private, with relatives or in the pub, because we draw from the leather and really tell the truth, "openly". The awkward "unvarnished" truth.
now know, diplomats are those who are masters of "Verblümens" the best "Verblümer" in the diplomatic career at the top.
now that their truths, that what they really think, become noised abroad, is the but is herzallerliebst, or. For we learn that even have the league of "Verblümer", a personal truth behind the perfect mask, sometimes probably a personal opinion. It has charm and makes the boys and girls but human. What all the hubbub, then?
Perhaps feeling the ladies and gentlemen, journalists and politicians who are now speaking of embarrassment, like children, the "foreign ashamed of themselves for the truth. So, will grow up!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why Jeevan Saral Is Best Plan

vanity usually spoiled as a gardener's favorite roses

"We are young and young love, then our heart is still mobile. It jumps for joy. We jump out of the body. First love yourself enchanted us and the whole world. Will we get older, crystals form in the heart. Grief, pain, injury, all the unshed tears freeze to crystals and deposit in the heart. First there are only rough edges, which are rigid and inflexible. Soon, the whole heart that is frozen into ice, cold, ice cold. Cold dead body. "

" Brrh. This reminds me of a story, what you tell. But do not stay for any romantic relationship traces of pain and sorrow in us? "S. asked incredulously.

"Then, if we do not forgive after the mourning. That which we once loved, and above all ourselves this is the hardest. Forgiveness. The old wounds are to protect signs that we raise when a heart is closer to us. We highlight the wound all the way up, as if we would call: "Hey, I'm not too close. Look what they've done to me in front of you. My wound is the most terrible of all the world! "

By DreamerGirlLAC177
to forgive "is really hard. I can not do at all. I will not forget. Because mine is the revenge. How does it, forgiveness? The thought alone helps I suppose not. "

" Forgiveness means let go, indulge. Devotion to the reality as it is not like the pride wants them. The pride, the vanity, the ego, the soul of the Grand Inquisitor, screams revenge, retaliation. Is the one who can never forgive. It is the vanity, which does not forgive. It is the ego, and believes it needs to be. - It maintains its own torment as . A gardener's favorite roses "

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Japanese Famous Models

The walker: Farewell

Sensitive parting words to walker for the author Baerbel Mohr has found:" Yes for your own creativity to say is . a bold move secured Especially in our society, which regulates everything, regulated by law and dogma of churches How can I get a little light on the wacky idea that I had my own life under control is more -.. by I thought I determine my reality. This is really no. ! But that goes "
said Bärbel Mohr
the walker. farewell

Prostat Webcam Installation Program

climb to the highest verbosity

Recently, the message went through the ether, that Mount Everest, finally, for the achievements of Modern communication has been developed. In about 5200 meters altitude in the vicinity of the base camp, the future of Everest conqueror enjoying now allow masts, the mobile telephony and Internet access on the highest mountain in the world.
By jprocksyours
This is also the last wimp in the world understand that the excuse to climb Mount Everest? Do not go, I'm not available! "No longer applies. And just like everywhere else in the world, the future conqueror of Mount Everest will endure in the silence of the climb the highest mountain in the world feel such dialogues about himself: "Where am I now? I'm just about to climb Mount Everest. Ah, there is just one in the crevasse. Not wearing seat belts, the arms. And you? What are you doing? "
And, as there is also an internet access, we like to be in written Form at Twitter, Facebook & Co. happy. The places of silence are scarce in this world, dear reader!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pain On Both Sides Of Belly

a remarkable disappointment, 2 A featured part

I watched the movie with a friend, who was of itself a few years of Sannyasin movement and the Osho Ashram in Poona and still knew from personal experience. She responded emotionally similar to the movie as I do, but on different backgrounds. For them the movie was clearly a Hetzfilm "I was even more annoyed by the superficiality of the movie that raises more questions than answers. How to make a film like that, which is in effect for no apparent common thread stringing together anecdotes and the rest of the audience leaves his perplexity.
I do not agree with you that this film is a "Hetzfilm" he is not even that, because that would mean so, nor that he left a position represents. If he did not like my impression. His position is that he can get two witnesses to speak, seemingly at random, though, there are many dozens of the inner circle that would have something to say about Osho. Why so? Why these two?
Bhagwan Sheela Birnstiel in the 70
What I criticize in the film, that the social dimensions of development reflects hardly be shown, that the phenomenon of "Verkirchung" and the solidification of the anarchic and largely non-dogmatic spiritual teachings of Osho. How could this happen, where Osho's teaching was so free, anarchist and flexible? That would have been an interesting question in my eyes! The followers of Osho
represented presumption that tragedy in Oregon was such a thing as a "Meisterspielchen" is a charming idea apologetic. Has anyone learned anything from this game? Because only then does such a Game sense if it brings further teaches, transforms, namely mass, when it would prefer a quantum leap in knowledge to himself. From such a quantum leap but unfortunately I have heard nothing.
Osho's genius was in my view is that it was the first I know of Guru, the early, already in the 70s, the modern media (first audio, video cassettes and later) deliberately used as multipliers of his teachings has. This Bhagwan has very early and radically raised the traditional personal relationship between spiritual teachers and their pupils in a globalized stage, which is no longer based on this personal bond. That this results of course, some significant shadow is obvious (for example, has a guru who knows his students do not personally, and no feedback about the effect of his teachings in the person of the individual student).
These and such interesting questions the film barely touches, nor, and this is the biggest disappointment of this film, the radical and anarchic spiritual teaching Bhagwan not even begin to sketch in this film. This leaves open fully, why hundreds of thousands or more people in the world still get glowing eyes when his name is. Do not stop the eyes of a Sheela, each of which has now given way to shine.