Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kristal Summers Loose?

Electronica_Linz 09

Thanks Nina for the 2 beautiful days!

"poetry in motion" - as the title of Arthur Ganson, the artist who created me at the Ars Electronica with his kinetic sculptures - all mechanical in nature - has most impressed.
" machines as their job attachments ? Oppose That would rather tell stories than to increase the efficiency of production? The kinetic art movement to make this show a fantasy-filled adventure! "

the only creature on earth is the man is able to build machines that can outlive their existence. The speed of the gears in "Machine with Concrete" is slowed down by 12 pairs of reduction gears. The last cog needed for a rotation of two billion years. In comparison, there man only a few million years on Earth. While the everyday life of modern people today more and more seems to accelerate the changes take place in the universe in time dimensions of billions of years.

... blinking eyes on the park bench, a swing, a tree ...

"Nico Dama" combines insights from behavioral biology with technology and Japanese philosophy. Wherever the large eyes are placed, formed faces. Via an infrared interface to communicate the "Nico Damas" with each other and flashing at random intervals, from the outside can not be influenced. In Japanese culture, it is assumed that everything has a soul, whether animate or inanimate. This idea leads to care and increased respect in dealing with the environment - whether it is people or objects.

"Nico Dama" allows us a completely new, emotional look at our Environment and the objects that surround us, and is extending the objectifying, quantitatively measured and strategic worldview of our time. "


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