Kaiptel II: 5.0 Process Engineering
said Professor Dr. Alexander Mitscherlich in Amsterdam. His audience: the Top-system specialists of IBM Germany. His topic: Ethics in the Age fortgescchrittener technology. His bias: a parable. Quote: "I was the life, dealing with people as a profession, not just a fundamental pessimists, but made such a heart. so successful in the natural science and technology involved group such as yours may I ask your indulgence. Even pessimists have a right to life. Let me start with the proof being a truly classic pessimist, with Cassandra. She was, as you recall, the daughter of Priam, king of Troy. Apollo had her first, to seduce them, given the force of prophecy. But as she was not willing to give him, he took a most impressive psychological operation against her. He left the future show, but it contained the force before the conviction. Without the latter the contents of the prophecy are meaningless. The events of the future speak to us not to stay, but it unreal, pale. You must admit, from the myth of Cassandra speaks vein startling psychological acumen. Knowing without being able to convince that is a situation which has been making Cassandra times again and again. .. It is the impotence of knowledge "
With this trip in the classical mythology tore the Star psychologist Mitscherlich a problem circle, from which the IBM daily consumed and against which the competition days blocked by day
In plain language: the combination of specialized knowledge and Marketing is what the Enlightenment Bacon with his phrase "knowledge is power" could see yet, but. said the "impotence of knowledge" is excluded from the IBM strategy. In terms of the Enlightenment exists for them only what is doable. This sense of reality is the power of persuasion.
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